Dear Jack, when are you coming back?!

On Friday 19th April, Jack the Magician paid us his annual visit to delight our 7th graders with his magic show in English.

Although he didn’t managed to turn his fifty Euro note into a purple one and despite the fact that he decided to substitute the “split-the-teacher” trick for a kind of maths lesson gag called “cut the paper”, he really caught our attention from the very beginning till the end, helping us improve our oral competence in English through his magical combination of smart jokes, plays on words and amazing magic tricks.

Divendres 19 d’abril en Jack ens va tornar a fer la seva visita de rigor per tal que l’alumnat de primer d’ESO d’enguany també pugui gaudir del seu show de màgia en anglès.

Tot i que no va voler convertir el bitllet de 50 euros que portava en un de lila i malgrat la incomprensible decisió de substituir el truc del serra-la-profe-en-dos! per una lliçó express de matemàgia a base de paper i tisores, el seu espectacle ens va deixar bocabadats i, sense adonar-nos, entre riures i aplaudiments, vam poder millorar la nostra competència oral com estudiants d’anglès.

Dear Jack, when are you coming back?!