At the begining of the class one student asked the teacher: “Why don’t you prepare us a Kahoot?” and the dialogue stopped there because the class was about to begin.

We have worked around a song “Unstoppable” we’d heard in the last film we watched in class, The swimmers. First we talked about words. For example first the teacher asked what does it means: “Stop”. We aswered and then he wrote after that word: “pable” so the word was: “Stoppable”. One Petit Princep answered and then the teacher wrote: “Unstoppable” and the answer was almost unanimous: “something that it can’t be stopped”.

Soon after, we had to put in order the sentences of the song. It took us some hearings but in the end we succeded.

Later on, we played a kahoot about the song. It was quite difficult, however, since we had done the previous activities, it was more affordable.