Lately we have been working around the food pyramid and groups of food. Today we have been doing a challenge. Tranform the food pyramid into a plate.

The reason why it was quite obvious: the food pyramid gives very little practical information about what amount should we eat daily or on each meal.

Most Petit Princeps choose pyramid number 4 as the healthiest. According to that pyramid vegetables and fruit should be around a 50% of the plate.

Some of us decided to include the percentatge in order to make it more clear while checking the plate.


We have been analizing some food pyramids. First we brain stormed some concepts we already knew about it. Then we have been given some instructions. To analize the information we would find in seven different food pyramids spread all over the corridor.

The process it was organized in three different observations. In the first one we had to look at them and have a first contact. The second part it was to take a deeper look at them trying to register in a papersheet aspects of each pyramid we considered relevant. The third part of the process it was to try to define which one of the pyramids is better and why.

We are still in the third part of the process.


At the begining of the class one student asked the teacher: “Why don’t you prepare us a Kahoot?” and the dialogue stopped there because the class was about to begin.

We have worked around a song “Unstoppable” we’d heard in the last film we watched in class, The swimmers. First we talked about words. For example first the teacher asked what does it means: “Stop”. We aswered and then he wrote after that word: “pable” so the word was: “Stoppable”. One Petit Princep answered and then the teacher wrote: “Unstoppable” and the answer was almost unanimous: “something that it can’t be stopped”.

Soon after, we had to put in order the sentences of the song. It took us some hearings but in the end we succeded.

Later on, we played a kahoot about the song. It was quite difficult, however, since we had done the previous activities, it was more affordable.


Today we have went to Can Papasseit to a theatre play in English. The classic Beauty and the Beast adapted in a version set nowadays in London and Hollywood.

All groups in Primary education from Rovellons to Massagrans enjoyed the show. Some of them loved the songs, some of them the jokes and some others, the whole show.

When it was almost at the end, four students had the opportunity to get on stage. It was an exciting moment.


Today we have been experimenting with magnets and magnetism. First we read how to proceed presenting the materials we need and the process we were going to follow. Then we thought about our hypothesis.

Later we started the experiment. First we made the compass. We checked with another compass that it was working well. The next step it was to add another compass into the bowl. We realized they tended to stuck together. Then we magnetized the compasses moving the magned closser to the bowl. Afterwards, we did the last part of the process: Spining the bowl in order to realize the compass was pointng the North despite the fact of moving the water surrounding it.


Today we have been playing table games. Each game includes and part in which they have to say something in English. Apart from this we started a game about building sentences and translating them.

Overall, they seemed really engaged and they participated really actively. Therefore, we might repeat this dynamic soon.


We have been listening to a song of a singer called Eduard Canimas. In particular we have been listening to the song “Conte”. Our idea is to translate the song into English and then record our own version. In order to do it, we have been putting in order all its sentences. Some of us knew the song by heart, some of us just listenend to the song without paying much attention to the lirircs. However, between all of us it was quite easy to find out the right order.

After listening to the song twice, we were sure that we found out the correct order. Later, in groups, we had been trying to find words or sentences we already knew. It was surprising how much English we know between all of us.


Following the experiments we have been doing in the project we have decided to continue with one about chemistry. As many humans we love cooking therefore we decided to cook pancakes.

First we checked the recipie with its ingredients, the tools we need and the method. One student pointed out that it could be called process. However, we prefer to name it method because it is a closer language to science.

After following all the steps the results, in general where successful. Really few pancakes got burned and ended up in the litter.

They seemed all very engaged and showed joyfullness while doing the activity.



Today we have been finishing the new facts for the timeline. Before starting, Jordi from Massagrans came to the classroom to explain how he manage to paint one of his productions with so many colours. He explained how he mixes them with white in order to get clearer colours. From them he kept mixing them until achieve many tonalities.

Some students pointed out that last course they watched a video in which they coud see how to get secondary and terthiary colours from only the three primary colours. Apart from this Jordi’s painting has two different sides, one with cold colors and the other with warm ones. Some students connected with that fact and the video.

Later, some students finished the oral presentations and therefore they presented their character from the XIX centry to the rest of the class.

When they finished the presentation they were painting their Baobabs following Jordi’s advice.


In Petits Prínceps, following the project about experiments, we have posted three fotos in the time line in order to remember when the Berlin’s wall was build and when it was demolished. We also thought it could be important to remember when the Covid afected, in many ways, our lives.

Afterwards, we realized there was a century without facts. Between the French Revolution and Wolrd War 1 there is nothing in our timelines. At that point we decided, in groups, to gather some information about scientists who invented or discovered somehting important for our society.

We are preparing presentations in order to share them with the class soon.