GEP (Generació Plurilingüe): A Black Lives Matter project in English

Christmas 2020 ended at INS CAR with the visit of our previous American assistant teacher,
Jing Gao (we miss you Jing!!). She could admire our work in progress on a current issue: the
Black Lives Matter movement and Black History in the United States.
Our 4 ESO students have been working in groups both in the Social Studies and the English
class; they have analysed films, songs, news and historical documents on this matter. The final
product has been a timeline showing the main protagonists of the US Civil Rights Movement
and wonderful posters that can be seen in the English Corner. The students’ feedback has
been highly positive: the majority find it motivating to work and investigate in groups on a
specific subject. Their teachers, Judit and Carme, are proud of their work. Well done!!


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