The Magic English Teacher

WOW! Last week we really enjoyed The Magic English Teacher show. We are still thinking about the tricks he performed! Jack only told us the secret of one of his tricks and as a good magician he kept the secret of all the rest. He used a vocabulary easy to understand for everybody and the show was 100% in English!

We will repeat in the future! For sure!

Wow! la setmana passada vam gaudir molt de l’espectacle de The Magic English Teacher. Encara estem pensant en els trucs que va fer! En Jack només ens va explicar el secret d’un dels seus trucs i com a bon mag va guardar el secret de tota la resta. Va utilitzar un vocabulari fàcil d’entendre i l’espectacle va ser 100% en anglès!

En un futur repetirem! Segur!

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