Let’s be clocks!


Year 3 boys and girls are learning telling the time: o’ clock and half past only. They became human clocks for telling the time with their arms or legs. Also, they practised their daily routines: get up, have breakfast, go to school,…
They… Llegeix més»

Our Towns 4th A and B

Year 4 boys and girls have been working very hard doing their projects about their towns.  Students have practiced the vocabulary related to the town ( hospital, cinema, bus stop, newsagent’s, police station, shops…) and the prepositions of place (next to, in front of, behind…)… Llegeix més»

Rock and roll snowman

Year 4 boys and girls are learning this “rock and roll” song for the Christmas’ concert. I suggest to practice singing with the face mask on at home so that they will be familiar wearing it for the concert’s day. Thank you families for your cooperation!!!

Sharing the rainbow

These days Year 4 boys and girls are writing about their feelings, favourite hobbies,talents… and also they share with their classmates in a speaking activity.

They have to colour and write about:

RED: somethig fun they did this summer holidays

ORANGE: their favourite memory

YELLOW: their favourite hobby

GREEN: a talent they have

BLUE: something about their family

PURPLE: something that makes they happy


Here there is an example of speaking thank you Lia for sharing your rainbow!!!

Science a 3r: Human body game

Benvolgudes famílies!!

Els nens i nenes de tercer han començat a fer Science aquest trimestre!! El primer tema que treballarem serà: Human body and the five senses.

Per començar a introduir els nous conceptes hem fet un joc amb tot el vocabulari de les parts del cos.

S’ho han passat d’allò més bé!

Aquí us deixo unes fotos espero que us agradin tant com als vostres infants!!


Pasapalabra 6è C

Benvinguts i benvingudes al Pasapalabra Can Serra Edition!!
Els nens i nenes de sisè C per fer el tancament del curs 2020-2021 han pensat preguntes amb les diferents lletres de l’abecedari repartides per matèries per a crear un gran “rosco” i jugar el penúltim dia de… Llegeix més»

Gimcana a Can Serra

El passat dimarts 15 de juny els infants de sisè C vam organitzar una gimcana al Parc de Can Serra. Ens vam distribuir en dos equips de nou persones cadascun i vam preparar 4 proves. Vam decidir els materials que necessitaríem, les normes del joc,… Llegeix més»