Live life, give life

The project entitled Live Life Then Give Life: stuck between organ donation and stem cells involves the participation of four partners: Spain, Italy, Poland and Turkey. The topic is developed by a scientific, bioethics, philosophical and religious point of view.
The objectives of the project are different and focus on several key factors such as the development of civic, social and intercultural competences, the promotion of innovative solutions to ensure competences acquired through an informal, formal, and non-formal learning; the promotion of the internationalization, the development of the critical mindset, especially considering the cultural and environmental aspect of science; the adoption of an holistic approach in the learning of foreigner languages and the development of ICT skills using them in a creative way.
Thirty-two students and eight teachers will be directly involved in the project, but activities led at school will interest a major number of students and teachers. Students will attend conferences, seminars and lectures organized by the school whose aim is give them a holistic vision of the theme proposed by
different points of views. Doctors, biologists, philosophers, religious people, common men and women who have received an organ or struggle with this problem will be invited at school to give their support to the project and increase the students; knowledge of the problem/topic.

Students will be asked to create posters with slogans to be put at school and in town. 5. Students will create a brochure using softwares like Padlet to promote Organ Donation.
Students will organize a Donor’s day at school, and they will distribute their brochures to disseminate to all the school’s population their work and at the same time to make people aware of the problem. They will also organize a visit in the nearby schools to disseminate their activity.


Zespol Szkol Technicznych nr1 im. Wojciecha Korfantego



Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Patini Liberatore

Castel Di Sangro


Adile Mermerci Anadolu Lisesi



Institut Marta Mata 






Aquesta setmana es duu a terme la primera mobilitat del projecte ERASMUS+  “Live life, give life” que subvenciona la Unió Europea. Ha estat a Polònia, concretament a la ciutat de Chorzów,  on un grup de vuit alumnes i dues profesores del Marta Mata compartiran experiències… Llegeix més»