During the last two weeks Patufets have joined Tabalugues and Pinotxos in two occasions during the storytime in English, in order to introduce them to this language.

When Patufets joined Tabalugues we explained the story of Pete the cat: I love my white shoes. With this tale we worked on the colours playing a game and listening to the song: Colors everywhere.

The next day, with Pinotxos, we read the book Giraffes can’t dance. After explaining the story we sang and danced the song Animal dance and freeze, which helped us learn the names of different animals such as elephant or lion. Also, we imitated the movements of these animals using a huge dice. We had a lot of fun!


Tintins showed a high interest in water and problems we have been experimenting lately. Today we have been talking about how could we measure water in order to prepare an experiment. We wanted to know if sea water evaporates and if so, if we could separate water from salt. One of them came up with an idea: we could pour water into a container and then cover it with another container leaving some room for a tray. Her theory is that we are going to get fresh water and salt is going to remain in the central container. One of them pointed out we could add mark with a feltip pen the water level. By  doin it so, we would be able to measure how much water have evaporated in some time.


At the begining since some Alicies seemed nervous, we decided to drive a meditation. Later they where much more tranquil and relaxed.

This afternoon we have been writing numbers to the bird houses. It is going to be a way to identify them. When we finished we checked a map on the screen. Soon we discovered it was a map of Vilanova del Camí. We saw where the school is located. We identified other important places in town. Later each work goup designed a proposal for the Town Hall worker who is going to come and hung the bird houses. We are mainly thinking on hunging two of them in front of the shcool and the remaining four along the river.

We have been working abstract thinking apart from orientation.


During the second and the third term, with the groups of Pinotxos and Tabalugues, we have been working on the English Language through routines, songs and storybooks. In this way, we have become familiar with the numbers and the days of the week.

In addition, we have been working and playing with vocabulary about colours, animals, food or the concepts of “big” and “small” using tales such as “The very hungry Caterpillar” or “We’re going on a bear hunt”. For example, after reading “The pink monster” we draw the shape of our foot or hand and we classified them in two groups: big or small; as well as we have sung the song “Colors everywhere” that you can find in the next link: Colors Everywhere – Kids Song | Learn Colours with Bounce Patrol

Also, during this last term, we have been playing with the learning proposals about the theatre play that we went to see in English: “El patufet”. Through these activities, we have learnt the name of some animals and some ingredients.

And remember, you can take a look at all the photos on Drive!


Today taking the oppourtunity that Tintins had to practice for the “Cantata” and therefore Meritxell had to be there, we have shoot sceene 8 and 13.

It was thrilling after all that work to be taking part of it. Some of us where directing, some of use were narrating and some were taking photos to be included in the blog.

Scene by scene it seems we are imporving our skills when shooting. The sound is every time better as well as the attrezzo and details. One group even play with light in order to simulate nightime and make it more authentic.


In Tanits today we have been following the path towards the Stop Motion film about our projet. Some of us are still working on the writen text or organizing scenes. Some of us are designing our characters and prompts with playdough and lego briks. A couple of groups have been taking photos and one of them started recording the oral text. There is still some work to do but it seems we are on the way to finish them.


We had been thinking how to make our plays easier to be understood. We have also been practicing the text. Now we are starting to prepare the prompts for our theatre plays.

Fist we have been drawing some of the elements we wanted to appear. Later, we have been retouching the drawings. Finally we have been painting the drawings with colours, feltip pens or paints. Apart from this we have been sticking absorbent cotton with the shape of a snow storm.


We have been continuing the producton of our stop motions. Some groups are working on the story and planning the scenes. Some groups are working on the characters and attrezzo elements in order to start taking photos. Some grops started taking photos. We are keeping them in the drive. Once we have the sequence we are going to record the voices.

Its a long process, however we are one the last stages of it.


We have been reading comics about different versions of Saint George and the Dragon. Today we have been writing our own version of Saint Geroge and the Dragon.

The idea was to role the story cubes and take the elements as part of our story. Apart from this we had to include the Dragon, Saint George and the Princess taking into account that we could change their gender.

Finally we read the story to our classmates.