At the begining since some Alicies seemed nervous, we decided to drive a meditation. Later they where much more tranquil and relaxed.

This afternoon we have been writing numbers to the bird houses. It is going to be a way to identify them. When we finished we checked a map on the screen. Soon we discovered it was a map of Vilanova del Camí. We saw where the school is located. We identified other important places in town. Later each work goup designed a proposal for the Town Hall worker who is going to come and hung the bird houses. We are mainly thinking on hunging two of them in front of the shcool and the remaining four along the river.

We have been working abstract thinking apart from orientation.


As planned today we have hanged the bird feeders. Fist we weighted the four different types of food: Chia, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and peanuts.

After weighting them we filled up the bird feeders we biuld some days ago.

Soon after we hanged the camera. We still have doubts about how does it work but conversating in the classroom we found out that the camera might work only when it detects movement.

Finally we hanged the bird feeders in front of the camera. We don’t know exactly if it’s going to work but soon we are going to find out.


One of the aims of our project is to help birds. We have decided to build bird houses as well as bird feeders.

Today we build bird feeders. With a bottle, a cork, a screwhook, a string and a wooden spoon we made six bird feeders.

Our ide is to hang four of them in one playgroun with different food. Some Alicies are interesten in finding out which is their favourite food or what food is better for each breed of bird.


Today we have went to Can Papasseit to a theatre play in English. The classic Beauty and the Beast adapted in a version set nowadays in London and Hollywood.

All groups in Primary education from Rovellons to Massagrans enjoyed the show. Some of them loved the songs, some of them the jokes and some others, the whole show.

When it was almost at the end, four students had the opportunity to get on stage. It was an exciting moment.


Today Joan and Gisela brought books about birds. Joan explained his book story. Gisela told us that it is a book about questions and answers. It talks about many animals but some questions are about birds.

Later we watched a video about Rural Agents. We had a conversation aroun it. We found that they are like police officers but in charge of the forests. They protect the forest and its inhabitants.

Finally since at the begining of the course we talked about helping birds and one of the proposals it was to feed birds, we had the idea to make some bird feeders. We are going to use plastic bottles. One student sugested that we could use one type of food per bird feeder and another student pointed out that these would be a good way to deduce what is their favourite food. One teacher shown us a camer which is going to help us to deduce what is the favourite food of each species.


Today we have been talking about something perhaps obvious but we didn’t talke about previously. Who are we going to build the birds houses for? In order to do that one Alicia said we could record with a camera who is using them. Apart from that, another person said it would be nice to measure the hole and with that we might be able to guess who is able to live in those houses. One said it could be sparrows, another one sait it coulde be robins. They said swallows are too big.

Later we started looking for the prices of wood. One of our teachers gave us some webpages in order to make it easier to find the best option in terms of wood.

Once we decided which option was better we drawn a rectangle on the classroom’s floor in order to have an idea of how bit it is.

Some students enventually realized wood was no sold in m2, therefore, soon we are going to calculate which one is the best option taking in to account the price and the convenience.


We have been working around the amount of wood we are going to need in order to build six nest houses for birds.

Soon we realized we just measured and cutted out four houses so we still have to make two extra houses. We splited the work in four teams, sparrows, owls, swallows and eagles. More or less all of them finished at the same time.

At a certain point some schoolmates from Tintins came to explain their experience with sqare meters. We realized both projects have some similiarities. At least at the point we are now trying to calculate the surface of wood we need.

It was really interesting the conversation about areas. Some Alicies gave some interesting comments about areas and what we should do if we want to order the right amount of wood.

The last step we did it was to try to fit as many pieces of the six houses in the sqare meter we made on the floor within the last session. We all conclude we may need more than one square meter of wood.


Today we have been talking about nocturnal birds. Some pointed out that they sleep during the day. One of them explain that it was like if night was daytime and vice versa.

After listening to a story about an owl that couldn’t sleep.

They have drawn owls with pencil. Later they traced the drawings with a thin pen. Then they painted with water colours.

In a dark poster board, they have paited stars and the Moon with a white crayon.

Finally they cut and stuck the owl in the cardboard.


Today we had a conversation about what do we need in order to build the bird houses. At the begining we had been talking about the amount of houses we should build. We have decided that this number would be around five or six.

Later we asked Marta, the school director, if it was possible to buy wood. She told us that possibly yes but we should present a budget to Lidia who is the person in charge to administrate this issues at shcool.

Then we decided that we had to find out what amount of wood we need and which one is the best wood. After some time looking for the information we decided pine wood would be the most appropriate because is resistaint enough and cheap,

We haven’t calculated yet the total wood we are going to need but we are on the right path to find it.