Social Europe 2020: Combating Social Exclusion and Poverty in the European Union

L’Institut Lacetània és el coordinador d’un nou projecte Erasmus+: Social Europe 2020: Combating Social Exclusion and Poverty in the European Union en el qual també participen centres d’Alemanya (Göppingen), Itàlia (Roma), Polònia (Lublin), Grècia (Kavala) i Dinamarca (Naestved). Aquest projecte, adreçat a l’alumnat de batxillerat i amb una durada de 24 mesos (1/9/2017 a 31/8/2019), té com a objectiu l’estudi de les polítiques adreçades a combatre la desigualtat social a la Unió Europea i als seus països, analitzant sobretot si és factible l’objectiu de la Comissió Europea per a l’any 2020: reduir en uns 20 milions de persones el nombre de gent en risc d’exclusió social al nostre continent.

According to the European Comission, the number of people living at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU increased from 118 million in 2010 to a peak value of 124 million in 2012. Although this number has decreased to about 122 million in 2014, almost every fourth person in the EU remained at risk of poverty or social exclusion over the period 2010 to 2014. For this reason, the European Commission aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 20 million by 2020. Within this context, the EU launched in 2010 the European platform against poverty and social exclusion as one of seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. One of the key actions of this platform, which will remain active until 2020, is to work in partnership with civil society to support more effectively the implementation of social policy reforms.

In national and transnational groups, this project aims, on the one hand, to examine the reasons and the effects of social exclusion and poverty in both the partner regions and the EU, taking into account the multiple aspects of social vulnerability (age, sex, educational and social background, migration, etc), and the role of policy-makers and social agents. On the other hand, we intend to analyse and propose measures to reach the European Union 2020 goal both on regional and European levels. Therefore, students will be asked to find out how the measures proposed by the EU and the national government bodies are being and can be implemented in the specific regions involved in the project and which new measures could be undertaken. It is true that social exclusion and poverty differ from country to country, especially from North to South. However, students will deal with this topic no only from a national and regional viewpoint, but also taking into account the social situation in other European countries in order to draw similarities, differences and suggestions on how to overcome social exclusion and poverty. By carrying out this project transnationally, we aim to develop the students’ awareness of the diversity of the local, national, and international situation concerning social exclusion and poverty.

By considering equality as a key issue of unemployment and social exclusion, this project also aims to foster principles and values such as social equality and social cohesion. Furthermore, students’ transnational work will reinforce the sense of common goals and European citizenship.