Board Games! (Ll. anglesa 2n ESO)

Board games 

This activity was very interesting and fun to do, it helped us learn different things like the past continuous, past simple, ages and stages, materials…. just by making and playing a board game. 

First of all we created a Google Spreadsheet and we wrote down our ideas of questions and other stuff, like lucky and bad squares. Next, we needed to think about how we wanted our game to look like. We searched a lot of examples from Google, there were a lot of examples of different board games made by other people. Once we knew how we wanted our game, we drew it on an A3 paper. Then, we wrote all the questions and sentences in each box, and finally we just needed to decorate it and colour it. 

Then, we played all the different board games from the other classmates in the class. 

Jocs de taula

Aquesta activitat ha estat molt interessant i divertida, ens ha ajudat a aprendre diferents aspectes com ara el past continuous, past simple, vocabulari… només fent i jugant a un joc de taula.

En primer lloc vam crear un full de càlcul i vam escriure-hi totes les idees de preguntes i altres coses, com caselles de bona i mala sort. Després vam haver de pensar en l’estil del nostre joc de taula. Vam buscar exemples a Google i en vam trobar molts fets per altres persones. Un cop ja sabiem com voliem el nostre joc, vam dibuixar el tauler en un DIN A3. Després vam escriure les preguntes i frases a cada casella i finalment només calia decorar-lo i pintar-lo.

Després, vam jugar als jocs de taula dels altres companys de classe.

Marwa Koubi, 2n ESO B