A research work about medicinal plants in aula oberta

On 23rd January 2017 the students of 4th Aula Oberta began to do 2016/17 “treball de recerca”.
The topic is related to the interdisciplinary work we did last year. We did interviews to old people about cuisine recipes related to herbs used by our ancestors.
The research work of students in the Aula Oberta is called “The power of plants.”

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Students did interviews to people who knew some prescriptions related to herbs. From this class students will make aromatic herbal bags with the old people in the residence of Espluga de Francolí.
Firstly, we did a research about the properties that plants have and their scientific name.
Secondly, students did interviews to people who know how to make recipes related to herbs.
Towards the end of March students will go to el Garber to look for medicinal plants that are there and to the residence of l’Espluga de Francolí to make aromatic herbal bags.

Aula Oberta Students

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