Cookery workshop

During this course third and fourth year students have done a cookery workshop in English. We have made several recipes: a Hedgehog, some Ladybug appetizer, a Sailboat and some Chocolate Roll Skewers. There have been quite entertaining sessions where, at the same time, we have been able to practice and learn new vocabulary. Here are some examples of our great chefs!

Durant aquest curs els alumnes de tercer i quart han realitzat un taller de cuina en anglès. Hem realitzat diverses receptes: un Eriçó, unes Marietes canapès, un Veler i uns Pinxos de rotlles de xocolata. Han estat unes sessions força entretingudes on, alhora, hem pogut practicar i aprendre nou vocabulari. Us mostrem alguns exemples dels nostres grans cuiners!

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