Daily Routines songs 5th

Les nenes i els nens de cinquè hem inventat una cançó i un ball sobre les rutines en anglès.
Hem fet un guió per saber què havia de contenir la cançó.
Ens hem avaluat entre nosaltres per saber què podíem millorar i si hem seguit tots els passos del guió.
Hem estat treballant durant dos setmanes, i tot i la vergonya el resultat ha sigut un èxit.
Ens hem esforçat i hem gaudit molt!

Aquests són els vídeos oficials:

5th grade students have made up a song following the daily routines. First of all, we created and followed a guide to know what to include in it.
We have evaluated each other taking into consideration the evaluation criteria we agreed before developing the songs.
Despite having done such hard work during a couple of weeks, we are so proud and satisfied of the results!
In spite of the great effort and shyness, we have enjoyed so much doing it!

Here you are the videos, enjoy them!

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