GEP. Generació Plurilingüe



El curs 2017-2018 el Departament d’Ensenyament inicia el programa d’innovació pedagògica Generació Plurilingüe (GEP). La finalitat d’aquest programa és millorar la competència en llengües estrangeres de l’alumnat, afavorint el seu creixement acadèmic i posterior inserció laboral, i capacitant-lo per interactuar amb el món en diverses llengües i de manera crítica.

Les accions del programa GEP s’orienten, d’una banda, a incrementar el temps d’exposició de l’alumnat a les llengües estrangeres curriculars i, d’una altra, a acompanyar els centres educatius en el procés de desplegament i consolidació d’un projecte lingüístic plurilingüe propi.

Nascut l’any 2013 com a programa experimental, s’adreça als centres educatius que imparteixen ensenyaments d’educació primària, d’educació secundària obligatòria, batxillerat o formació professional inicial, de titularitat del Departament d’Ensenyament, de titularitat municipal i de titularitat privada en règim de concert. La selecció de centres es farà anualment a proposta dels serveis territorials i amb la col·laboració de la Inspecció d’Educació.

La durada del programa és de tres cursos escolars. Durant aquest temps, docents dels centres participants amb una acreditació suficient de coneixements de llengua estrangera reben formació sobre enfocaments CLIL i ÉMILE (aprenentatge integrat de contingut i llengua estrangera en anglès i francès, respectivament). Els equips directius, al seu torn, reben orientacions per a la implementació del programa en el centre, el disseny d’un pla d’acció i l’elaboració d’una memòria final.


Along this school year we planned:

Three projects ( one per term) LET’S ACT!!

16-18 4th, 5th and 6th graded pupils prepare a performance. They give the idea and themselves prepare it cooperatively. They write the scripts, they decide the set, the costumes, all the rehearsals and finally they perform it.

ICT: We use chromebooks and we work sharing documents. They also create the powerpoint we use as background, choose music and how to add it.

You can watch the planning for this project here


a) First term : The lion king

Plot: Five students travel to London and act in the “Lion King”musical. They learn about airports life, English culture, interesting places in London. It takes us six hours a week

More pictures

b) Second term: Around the world in 80 days

Plot: We read the story by Jules Verne and we adapt  it They learn about his literary work and also about some interesting places and  countries Philias Fox visited.

It takes us two hours a week.

Here you have some pictures

Click here to watch the performance


c) Third term: The jungle book

Plot: We read the story by Rudyard Kipling and we adapt  it . They learn about animals, life in the jungle, animal hierarchies, endangered animals…

More pictures


5th and 6th Graders:

Both 5th and 6th graders: We exchanged letters by snail mail with a school in Polignano a Mare (Italy). They could talk about their routines, school life, our respective towns, hobbies, family. They also exchange postcards.

More pictures

5th graders: They did a guided project about endangered animals in the Poles. They surfed the net, prepared a powerpoint and a Word document and finally they did the oral presentation. We also used books in Catalan, Spanish or English

We also did some chemistry experiments guided by Bielefeld University and Einstein Gymnasium students from Germany

More pictures

6th graders: They learned about Christmas traditions in Great  Britain and made a poster summarizing them.

They also did a project about the Earth Biomes.They surfed the net, prepared a powerpoint and a Word document and finally they did the oral presentation. We also used books in Catalan, Spanish or English.

 Oral presentations samples

They were introduced in William Shakespeare life and we did some activities

Pupils interacting

5th-6th graders Games and speaking activities

Some pictures


Year 2018-19  Comunitat de grans

First term

6th graders .October 2018 Interviewing German basketball players


A group of pupils from Rheda-Wiedenbrück ( Germany) came to school. They talked in English with our 6th graders pupils.

Click to see some pictures


Master chef (PBL)

This project is done along the school year.We are a multi-age group of 15-16 pupils. They can choose the project they like, so first have a presentation about all projects they can choose and we give some information on what are they about. This is the only project in English. They are going to learn about healthy and unhealthy food, they must follow instructions, cook some recipes, discuss, agree and create an own recipe ( write the shopping list, calculate the price, taste the other groups recipes… and give personal opinion about their own recipes and other’s.

Here you can read the project

Watch a video. How pupils interact

More pictures

Pupils presentation 1

Pupils presentation 2

5th graders -Letters to and from Poland and Lethonia


We echanged letters with a Lethonian and a Polish school. We talk about our culture, school and routines

Click to see some examples

6th graders- Games

We borrowed an educative box from “la Caixa “and we did some games. Later they prepared their own games

Some pictures

Second term

6th Graders . International women’s day

We talked about women’s rights, wrote and recorded  some messages

Watch video 6th A1

Watch video 6thA2

Watch video 6thB1

Watch video 6thB2

Third term

Escape games 6th graders

Pupils play some escape games about London and New York




We use chromebooks to review class contents and to play quizizz and Kahoots in order to learn new words



In class we work on oral expression through role situations in which students pretend to be a person and they have to ask questions due to discover who the other characters are.

Healthy and unhealthy food

Pupils can taste some food and guess what it is. They decide if it is healthy or unhealthy

Click for more pictures


We carried out a model of dinosaur’s world in groups to learn vocabulary, working science and knowing the environment where they lived. Then we showed the model in front of the class.

More pictures


In these videos you can see the fashion show. The pupils enjoyed a lot and learned vocabulary and clothing structures

Planets and space       

We designed a model of the solar system to realize how the Universe is. The students learned vocabulary, enjoyed and showed the models after the unit. They worked vocabulary of space, shapes,colours and distances.

More pictures

We prepare a performance for” Mostra de teatre” in La Gorga Theatre in Palamós



They work in “ambients d’aprenentatge” and one is in English (ambient de l’ espai)

Watch a video

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