Mission, Vision and Values

Lacetània is rooted in a public environment which essentially aims to:

  • Educate, train and guide the students to favour the acquisition and the development of the skills established in the curricula of different educational levels, and contribute to their overall development and social integration.
  • Provide quality training adapted to technological and social requirements.
  • Prepare students to enter the workplace and / or to continue further studies.
  • Develop a motivating and participative work environment which facilitates the involvement of the staff in the project and helps them reinforce their professionalism and the continuous improvement of the centre.


Our main objective is to offer a school that:

  • Fosters academic and personal success of students through educational innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Transmits values ​​and promotes attitudes of tolerance and respect for people, ensuring a good working environment where its students become critical, responsible and committed citizens able to build a more caring and harmonious society.
  • Feels rooted in the country and open to the world and whose activities meet the demands of all groups involved: students, families and companies.
  • Is willing to participate and collaborate on projects and initiatives that contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of our region and the country.
  • Means a reference centre of integrated professional training in Catalonia.


The Institute encourages the following essential values:

  • Democratic participation and respect for pluralism.
  • Cooperation and solidarity.
  • Effort and personal responsibility.
  • Review and continuous improvement of activities.
  • The change and adaptation to new technologies.
  • The autonomy of management and decision- making.
  • Transparency.
  • Coexistence with tolerance and respect for all people and their diversity.
  • Respect for the environment and the optimal use of resources.
  • Social commitment.