Pupil Welfare

Tutoring and support are fundamental to ensuring the students achieve the best in all areas of school life. Lacetània provides a friendly and caring environment in which students seize varied opportunities for personal and social development.

Each student is assigned to a tutor group. These groups are not determined by academic ability. Form Tutors monitor the general progress and well being of the students in their charge as well as monitoring daily attendance and liaising with parents. The Tutor will often be the first person to whom a student will turn to for help or advice.

Sometimes it may be necessary to refer matters to the relevant Key Stage Coordinators, who monitor the progress, welfare and discipline in their Key Stage. They work in close partnership with form tutors and subject staff, parents and external agencies if necessary to ensure that all students gain the maximum benefit from their time in school.

At higher levels Tutors are responsible for monitoring the overall academic progress, attendance and wellbeing of their tutees. Each group has a weekly tutorial with their Tutor during which the student has the opportunity to discuss the progress and current issues of importance.