Concurs de Problemes a l’esprint

L’activitat de resolució de problemes en línia per a equips de centre, que després va passar a anomenar-se Problemes a l’esprint va nèixer l’any 2000, Any mundial de les matemàtiques, com una activitat complementària al Cangur de la SCM, per a alumnes de segon cicle d’ESO i Batxillerat. A partir… Llegeix més»

Follow directions!

Students of 5th grade are learning to follow and say directions.
On Wednesday we followed some directions by making our fingers walk on two different maps. Today ,with Group 1, we have walked through the school following the instructions of our classmates.
The main structure worked with… Llegeix més»

My home!

The students of year 2 have been working on the different rooms they can find in a flat or a house. As a final task they have described their favourite room of their homes and have made an oral presentation about it. You will find… Llegeix més»