This year we have celebrated a new edition of the most popular Halloween pumpkin contest around the world! All the pumpkins the school kids have brought in are really cool and it has been a tough task the election of the best ones! Congratulations kids, you are ARTISTS!

Here you can watch a video of the exposition


I am sure you are waiting for the contest results… Here we are!:

5th grade

1st position SANTIAGO ADAME








2nd position KEVIN LLABERIA


3rd position AITANA BATISTE

6th grade

1st position SERGI CAYETANO







2nd position ÍKER SAMBRÓ








3rd position JOSUÉ SANTIAGO





2 comentaris

  1. iker

    bueno no esta malament tampoc en segon lloc per segon any consecutiu dins de les millos tambe vull donar moltes felicitats al sergi i al josue per esta tambe en lo mes alt

  2. Marina Comes

    Aquest any hi ha un munt de pumpkins tots els resultats han estat molt bé i la del Santi es la mes xula de totes i no només ho dic jo ho diu tothom felicitats a tots els guanyadors i guanyadores!

    Marina 5èA

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