This year, the school has engaged in a new festival called “ALBERIXMAS“. Students from 1st to 6th grade have prepared a short performance for other levels, some of us performing in front of our “Padrins de Lectura”.

It has been a great experience for us all and we are very glad to show the result to you. If you wish to spend a good time and enjoy the spirit of this festivity just take a look at the videos below attached (click on the level you want to see).


Aquest any, a l’escola s’ha iniciat un nou festival anomenat “ABERIXMAS“. Els alumnes de 1r a 6è hem preparat una petita actuació pels altres companys/es, alguns de nosaltres actuant pels nostres padrins de lectura.

L’experiència ha estat fantàstica i ens plau poder-vos ensenyar el resultat. Si desitgeu gaudir d’una bona estona i de l’esperit d’aquesta festa, doneu un cop d’ull als vídeos que us adjuntem a sota (cliqueu damunt el curs que vulgueu veure).

1A1B: I’m a Little Snowman and Little Snowflake

2A2B: Elves on Strike

3A3B: S-A-N-T-A

4A4B: Jingle Bells

5A5B: All I Want for Christmas is You

6A6B: Christmas Wish and Love is Christmas



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