From 16th to 18th April, INS Cavall Bernat (Terrassa) is hosting a three-day meeting and will be sharing meaningful ideas related to the K2@mobility project.
We will be delighted to welcome our partners: Uniser and Liceo Righi from Italy, Liceum ETZ Chaim from Poland and Kaunas International Gymnasium from Lithuania,
and will be working in particular on the content of the E-Learning course.
Besides, a group of students from INS Cavall Bernat will be actively participating in the testing phase of the E-Learning activities, giving feedback at the end of it.
The aim is that students taking part in international activities become engaged citizens in the future thanks to developing key competences such as cultural awareness,
communication in a second language, personal and social skills, digital competences, etc. all being a basis for lifelong learning.
Are you curious about the on-going Mob@act activities?
Don’t forget to check our instagram app or the mobility section on this web to be updated!