Cultural talks in English

Aquesta setmana els alumnes d’ESO i batxillerat han pogut gaudir d’unes xerrades culturals en anglès a càrrec del Josh, de Bschool. Amb temes variats com la música, la cultura o la fonètica, aquestes xerrades desperten la curiositat dels estudiants i se centren a millorar les habilitats de comunicació oral dels participants. Josh utilitza diferents recursos com vídeos, jocs de rol i activitats pràctiques per ajudar els participants a millorar la seva fluïdesa i confiança en l’ús de l’anglès.

This week, high school students have been able to enjoy cultural talks in English by Josh from Bschool. With various topics such as music, culture, and phonetics, these talks spark the curiosity of the students and focus on improving participants’ oral communication skills. Josh uses different resources such as videos, role-playing games, and practical activities to help participants improve their fluency and confidence in using English.

Eva Ruiz.

NOTA: L’alumna de de 2n de batxillerat L. C. ens ha fet arribar aquest comentari a propòsit de les classes de Josh:

His classes are very dynamic and enjoyable, he connects a lot with the students and makes them participate in fun interactive games. We appreciate that these classes are held at the school to increase the students’ level of English and cultural knowledge of other countries. We recommend other schools to attend such classes and hope to have them more frequently.

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