Torna l’English Day!

Next May the 14th INS Pla de l’Estany is going to hold the first English Day. It will be a very attractive morning in which students from ESC Baldiri Reixach, ESC l’Entorn, ESC Pla de l’Ametller are going to take part in different workshops and activities speaking English.

These tasks have been created by 3rd ESO students in order to organize a day of English  immersion.

Have a look at our internet page where you can find: activities (soon), the mascot contest, resources and participating schools. Choose yours and feel free to read, watch and listen to every resource posted.

English Day is a coordination and an agreed proposal with Centre de Recursos Pedagògics del Pla de l’Estany, INS Pla de l’Estany and ESC Baldiri Reixach, ESC l’Entorn and ESC Pla de l’Ametller.