Climate change and how to reduce CO2

We are carrying on working on climate. It’s not just knowing what is climate change and what causes it. What is really important to us is what we can do to make less CO2 into the air. Here are some examples: walking, cycling, swithching off lights or the TV when not using, buying local food…

You can find below a video and part of some of the activities we have done in class.



Our trip to Valls d’Àneu (3rd-7th, February)

Tintins, Petits Prínceps and Massagrans have explained their week away. In a first activity, we all translated in to English the scheduled activities of their trip to Valls d’Àneu. We wrote every single thing they had done the previously week together. Following their descriptions, the next activity was to reorder the sentences, starting from the morning of the first day when they met before 8 am at school to get a bus to their destination, and finishing when back to school on Friday evening.

A meaningful activity in fact, as it is something they have already done themselves, and it is in their living memories, remaining vivid pictures in their minds, easy to understand when translating to English.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!

We have celebrated Christmas these days at school, making some Christmas cards, watching Christmas stories and singing some Christmas carols and songs. A very special time to be celebrated with friends at school and with family at home. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!