Comic’s talk with J. Capdevila

Hello! I’m Aina. I’m studying fourth of ESO in Ins Joan Mercader.
Today we’ve just finished an interesting talk about comics by the famous artist Jaume Capdevila, known as Kap. The talk was just for the ones who where studying the optional subject of art and it was divided in two separate hours.
In the first one, Kap introcuded himself and also explained us what is his job about and what is the comic area about.
The second hour was a little bit more practical. It was really interesting because we did some exercices like for example: he  gave us a number and from that one we had to draw something. So as we can see we were supposed to use a lot our imagination.
What I’ve learned about this talk is that every single thing can be drawed using some imagination work.
It was fun, and interesting and cool to try it! And he just made our minds wake up!