Our English teacher Marta Mercadé visits Canada in her job shadowing

After the stay of the Canadian teacher Ian Wilson from Canada, in our high school, our English teacher, Marta Mercadé, returned the visit to Canada.

The goal of the job shadowing was to get to know the Alberta Education system and share our teacher’s pedagogic experiences and teaching background with a group of Canadian staff from Lacombe, in Alberta, Canada.

During her stay in Lacombe, Marta Mercadé visited the kindergarten, Elementary, middle, high schools  and community colleges of the area in her study of an education system based on life-long learning within an inclusive and respectful environment for all community members, no matter their needs, social or ethnical differences. Thus, She attended several classes of different levels, she met school administrators, and she especially enjoyed talking to indigenous teachers who helped Native Canadian students to learn their mother tongues, such as the Cree language, also in school, and therefore to find their own identity.

Lacombe Schools may be little in size and number of students but great in all their diversity, respect and knowledge of their own people ! Something which this job shadowing experience must bring to our schools in Catalonia. Marta Mercadé would like to express her gratitude for the warming welcome in Lacombe, and for the opportunity staff, families and administration provided her with to have such an enriching stay in Canada. Now she really looks forward to sharing her experience with staff and students in Mercader High School.

The importance of Native Canadian languages in Lacombe Schools:






eTwinning: Penpals en acción

When the 1st ESO students returned from Easter, letters were waiting for them from the Italian students within the international eTwinning project where the Spanish and English subjects are involved.

The different 1st ESO year groups have been reading them these days. In addition, we have also been writing the second letters explaining the Easter traditions and the letters are ready to be sent!

India: the most populated country and the biggest English speaking country in the world

India has just become the most populated country in the world, and the students Pau Martín, Ahmad Mian and Helena Díaz from 4th ESO have carried out a project about this huge country where they not only think and speak about this fact but also other curiosities:

All about India by Pau Martín

All about India by Ahmad Mian

All about India by Helena Díaz

Français 22-23

Cette année, les élèves de 2 ESO et 3 ESO de français de notre collège sont en train de nous correspondre avec les élèves de 3 ESO et 4 ESO du collège IES Joan Segura i Valls, qui se trouve à Santa coloma de Queralt.

Les professeurs Ariadna et Mónica respectivement ont pensé qu’il serait une bonne idée de commencer un échange de lettres à l’ancienne manière !!!! C’est-à-dire, ce serait une bonne idée de reprendre nos papiers et nos plumes pour nous envoyer nos premiers mots écrits en français.

Nous sommes contents d’avoir reçu ces lettres et nous allons continuer nos échanges.

Projecte de millora de centre executat per Àmbits de 3r d’ESO





En el programa de Diversificació Curricular d’Àmbits de 3r hi ha la proposta de pensar un projecte de millora de centre tot treballant el procés de disseny, planificació, execució i avaluació d’un projecte. Vam començar el curs fent un anàlisi minuciós de les instal·lacions de l’Institut mitjançant el qual ens vam plantejar millorar l’estètica de la paret i escales del sector B de l’Institut. La temàtica escollida per inspirar-nos en aquest projecte va ser la música, i és per aquest motiu que haureu vist que els frontals de les escales s’han pintat fent l’efecte d’un piano. Abans que comencés el fred vam poder pintar el fons de la paret superior i quan el temps no ens acompanyava per estar a l’exterior, vam dedicar unes sessions de taller a confeccionar unes plantilles de les notes musicals. Ara que ja no fa tant fred, hem sortit a pintar-les a la paret. Per acabar el projecte, tenim una proposta de mural de temàtica musical per pintar a la paret galvanitzada de sota l’escala.

Si vols veure com evoluciona el projecte enllaça el QR!