Celebrem la Pasqua

Des de la matèria de Religió de 1r d’ESO enguany hem celebrat ja la Pasqua d’una manera avançada i amb l’alegria de poder celebrar-ho plegats.
Així, amb aquest motiu de celebració, hem decidit de fer dues mones, amb tots aquells elements que els i les alumnes… Llegeix més»

Ian Wilson, visiting teacher, within the job shadowing programme

Within the  teacher exchange programme between Alberta (Canada) and Catalonia, Joan Mercader High School has welcomed a teacher from Lacombe Upper Elementary  School in Alberta Canada. This exchange programme is organized by the service of Foreign Languages of the Catalan Education Department and The Alberta Teachers association, and it is a unique opportunity for teachers to get familiar with an education system of a  different country, to improve the communication and methodological skills, as well as to get to know the culture and traditions of the host country.… Llegeix més»

“Cartas metalingüísticas” proyecto internacional en Segundo de Bachillerato

El curso 22-23 los cuatro grupos de segundo de Bachillerato están participando en un proyecto internacional eTwinning desde la materia de lengua castellana. “Cartas metalíngüísticas” es un intercambio espistolar entre estudiantes del Institut Joan Mercader y estudiantes del Liceo Statale Paolo Emilio Imbriani de Avellino… Llegeix més»

March 17th: Saint Patrick’s Day with 1st BTX students and teachers

Every March the 17th English speakers celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day all around the world. Originally it was the National Holiday of Ireland, but as a result of the massive migration of Irish people especially to other English speaking countries such as the USA, Canada or Australia, it has become one of the most celebrated festivals not only for Irish people but also for English speakers.  Following the Irish tradition and therefore their Gaelic roots all around Ireland and Scotland, students and teachers of 1st BTX have celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day dancing céilidh, under the expertise and supervision of the artist David Vivancos.… Llegeix més»