Last Friday Laura van der Meulen finished the two-month collaboration at our school. As it had been before, we have had a wonderful experience. She has the ability to encourage students to engage in project-work lessons having English as the main communication language. She has joined all our ESO levels and different subjects, such as music, maths, natural sciences or technology, among others. Because of her Australian origin, students and teachers have been able to learn about Australian present-day life and society. In this picture, you can see one of the sessions where students were working on the project “all about a glass of milk” and they had the possibility to compare different types of milk, dairy and vegetable, containers or prices between our country and hers. They could even visit different supermarket websites, which are an extraordinary item of authentic teaching and learning material.


On Friday 23rd our students celebrated St George’s Day by taking part in the Calligram Competition. We received many beautiful productions that made the jury’s task quite difficult. Finally, the following students were chosen as winners: Iona Pérez (1st ESO E) with the text “A Dying Heart’s Last Thoughts”, Ainara Porcel (2nd ESO B) with a colourful calligram about dancing, Cristina Domingo, Sara García i Nadine Meda (3rd ESO) wishing everybody a happy St George’s Day and Aina Iruela (4th ESO) with “Footprint”. Here you can see them with their calligrams and their prize.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participants!


One of the activities that the first and second grade groups are doing this term within the GEP project is to personalize the poster IN OUR CLASSROOM. Each group has to choose which phrases best describe their dynamics and their goals as a group

Guanyadores del Projecte “Newyear21” des del GEP

Des de la Comissió GEP (Generació Plurilíngüe), vam proposar als nostres alumnes que creessin un TikTok i una tarja de felicitació per totes aquelles persones relacionades amb la nostra Comunitat Educativa que vivien a l’estranger.

La tarja guanyadora correspon a l’alumna Sandra Serra de 3r ESO E, mentres que el TikTok guanyador és pel grup de 4t ESO A format per Lucia Landeta, Leyre Jimenez i Ainara Gonzalez. Totes elles han guanyat dues entrades per anar al cinema. Moltes felicitats!

La tarja guanyadora i el TikTok s’enviarà a més de 20 centres educatius de tot el món, on s’hi troben familiars i amics d’alumnes i professors/es del Ramon Barbat. Serà la nostra manera de desitjar-los unes bones festes i un 2021 ple de salut.