L’alumne Nicolás Martín de 1r ESO C ha entrevistat en anglès a la monitora d’esquí Cristina Ferré d’Esportec Outdoor que ha estat qui ha dirigit al grup, junt els seus companys, aquests dies a les pistes del Port del Comte.

Nico- Hi Cristina, where are you from?

Cris- I’m from Tarragona, from Alcover a little town nearby the mountains of Prades.

Nico- Why do you like skiing?

Cris- I have skied since I was 4 years old and it is my hobby and my current job.

Nico- What do you like about skiing?

Cris- I love teaching. I also love going to the mountains and  do free ride, a type of ski.

Nico- And the worst thing?

Cris- Sometimes people aren’t aware of the danger and there are sometimes some accidents.

Nico- Do you live here in winter?

Cris- Yes, I live with the other staff all together in front of the youth hostel.

Nico- And in summer? Do you work in summer’?

Cris- Yes, we work in Tamarit doing summer activities such as Kayaking, swimming …with the same company. I love doing sport and for this reason I studied Science of Sports at university.

Nico- Thank you for your help and for being our teacher these days.

See you next year.



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