Robin Hood!

This past month we have had lots of trips to the theatre. The last one was just last week. The 4th graders went to Ateneu to see “Robin Hood”, a play in English. It was full of songs, games and participative performances. One of our students became Lady Marion for a while and Robin Hood rescued her from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. It was a great experience and everyone sang the songs. They loved it!

Aquest últim mes hem tingut moltes sortides al teatre. L’última va ser just la setmana passada. L’alumnat de 4t va anar a l’Ateneu a veure “Robin Hood”, una obra en anglès. Era plena de cançons, jocs i actuacions participatives. Una de les nostres estudiants es va convertir en la Lady Marion per una estona i en Robin Hood la va salvar del malvat Sheriff de Nottingham. Va ser una experiència genial i tothom va cantar les cançons. Els va encantar!

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