Last week we celebrated English Day at the school with all the students. The theme was “This is Art”.
First, we watched the video presentation and listened to the song “We call it Art”.
Then we divided into groups and we were working on different art techniques… Llegeix més»

Let’s travel around the world!

The 3rd graders have been working on different countries and the continents.

We have learned a lot and now, we know lots of new things!!

We also have said goodbye to our dear language assisstant, Gemma.



The 2nd garders have been working on the space and the planets and they have meet a very special family: The Biptonians.

This family have showed us their planet and we have also presented them our fantastic planets.

And now they are coming on holidays to visit us!!

Are you ready?


This morning the 3rd graders have gone to Ateneu to see the theatre play Aladdin. It has been a great performance, with two great actors, music, songs, colorful decorations and it encourages a lot of audience participation.

Besides, FOUR of our students had the opportunity to come on stage; Emma was helping Aladdin with the clothes; Biel was helping Aladdin in the restaurant; Ferran was helping Aladdin with the orchestra and Martin dressed up as a painter for Aladdin’s ideal job: costumer designer!!!

We all had a great time🎭

Aquest matí els alumnes de 3r han anat al teatre de l’Ateneu a veure l’obra Aladdin. Ha estat una bona obra, amb dos bons actors, música, cançons, decorats vius i en la qual han fet participar molt al públic.

A més, quatre dels nostres alumnes han pujat a l’escenari: l’Emma ajudava a l’Aladdin amb la roba; el Biel l’ajudava al restaurant; el Ferran l’ajudava amb l’orquestra de música; i el Martin s’ha vestit de pintor per passejar per la passarel.la. Finalment l’Aladdin ha trobat la seva feina ideal: dissenyador de vestits!!!

Happy English Day!

Yesterday we celebrated the English Day. We did lots of activities about Scotland!
The I5 students created some Nessies and the 1st graders made some decorations for the party.

The 2nd graders told us “The Loch Ness Legend”.

Four 3rd graders shared their shortbread recipe… Llegeix més»