Last week we celebrated English Day at the school with all the students. The theme was “This is Art”.
First, we watched the video presentation and listened to the song “We call it Art”.
Then we divided into groups and we were working on different art techniques… Llegeix més»

Would you kiss a frog – theatre Company!

The 1st graders have arrived at the end of the book and the final project was to create a Theatre company.

Along the term they have been working on traditional fairy tales and therefore they chose to perform some well- known stories. They loved to get dressed and it was very amusing!!

Congrats to all the actors and actresses!



Happy English Day!

Yesterday we celebrated the English Day. We did lots of activities about Scotland!
The I5 students created some Nessies and the 1st graders made some decorations for the party.

The 2nd graders told us “The Loch Ness Legend”.

Four 3rd graders shared their shortbread recipe… Llegeix més»


This morning the 1st and 2nd graders have gone to Ateneu theatre to see the well-known play Cinderella. It has been an aboslutely hilarious performance, with some beautiful songs and with two great actors. It’s been a play where the participation of the audience is guaranteed!

Besides, two of our students had the opportunity to come on stage; Laia as the fairy godfather assisstant and Sebastian as the Prince of England.

It has been a very fun experience and we all had an amazing time!

Aquest matí els alumnes de 1r i 2n han anat al teatre de l’Ateneu a veure la reconegda obra de la Ventafocs. Ha estat una obra divertidíssima, amb boniques cançons i dos bons actors. Es una obra de teatre on demanaven molta participació del públic i s’ha fet molt amena.

A més, dos dels nostres alumnes han pogut pujar a l’escenari! La Laia com a ajudant de la Fada Padrí i el Sebastian com a Príncep d’Anglaterra.

Ha estat una experiència molt divertida i tots hem passat una estona ben entretinguda!



The Super and Super You Project also comes to an end. Along the term the first graders have turned into Superheroes and Superheroines and have discovered their superpowers. Moreover, they can tell things about themselves and about their family. And they have discovered that together with their Superfamilies they are even more powerful!!

Finalitza també el projecte Super I and Super You amb el qual els alumnes de 1r s’han convertit en superherois i han descobert quins superpoders tenen. És més, ara poden explicar moltes coses sobre ells mateixos i sobre la seva família. Junts amb la nostra superfamília som encara més poderosos!!


The Jungle Joke project comes to an end. Along the term the second graders have learned who are Safari guides and what they do. Then, they have created an animal Reserve, and have made research about the animals they were interested in. Now, they all know many more interesting facts about the animals that live in the jungle and they also we have turned into great animal keepers and have received a safari guide ID card!

Here below you can see some posters the students did.

Els alumnes de segon hem tancat aquest primer quadrimestre amb la creació d’una resreva d’animals a la selva. Una experiència molt interessant; ara ja sabem moltes més coses sobre més animals i ens hem convertit en uns gran cuidadors. A, i a més hem rebut un carnet de guies de safari!

Aquí us deixem una petitia mostra de les activitats dutes a terme.




Along the term the 2nd graders have been working on the Jungle Joke book. It is a very funny story about the jungle and for now, they already know the story quite well. We are learning many things; the animals vocabulary, the different actions animals perform, how to describe an animal, habitats … Over the coming weeks we will start the main project that will last until the end of January!

Durant aquest trimestre els alumnes de segon hem estat treballant amb el Jungle Joke. És un llibre que ens explica una història molt divertida sobre els animals de la selva i de moment, els nens i nenes de segona ja coneixen la  història força bé! Així, estem aprenent moltes coses; el vocabulari dels animals, les accions que fan els animals, com descriure un animal en anglès, els habitats… Durant les pròximes setmanes iniciarem el projecte principal que durarà fins a finals de Gener! 


Last month the 1st graders started Super I and Super You. It is a very engaging superheroes story that  all the kids are enjoying a lot. For now, they already know the story quite well and they are practising with the characters dialogues. We also have been working on the colours, numbers, favourites, superheroes actions, introduciong ourselves…  During the next weeks we will start the main project  that will finish at the end of January!

El passat mes d’octubre els alumnes de primer van iniciar el Super I and Super You. Aquesta és una història molt engrescadora sobre superherois amb la qual els alumnes estan gaudint d’allò més. De moment ja coneixen de què va la història i ja fa dies que treballem amb els diàlegs dels personatges. També hem estat treballant els colors, nombres, coses preferides, les accions que fan els superherois, presentar-nos en anglès… I en les properes setmanes començarem el projecte principal que tindrà lloc fins a finals de Gener!

And last month we also celebrated Halloween!!

English week!

Hello! This month we have celebrated the English week. We have learned a lot about houses!
Hola! Aquest mes hem celebrat l’English week. Hem après molt sobre les cases!

The 3 little pigs built their houses with straw, wood and bricks.
Els tres porquets van construir les… Llegeix més»