En aquest blog trobareu diferents tipus de recursos i materials d’anglès de 5è i 6è de primària.


Last week we celebrated English Day at the school with all the students. The theme was “This is Art”.
First, we watched the video presentation and listened to the song “We call it Art”.
Then we divided into groups and we were working on different art techniques… Llegeix més»

Happy English Day!

Yesterday we celebrated the English Day. We did lots of activities about Scotland!
The I5 students created some Nessies and the 1st graders made some decorations for the party.

The 2nd graders told us “The Loch Ness Legend”.

Four 3rd graders shared their shortbread recipe… Llegeix més»

Welcome Gemma!

Hello families!

This is Gemma, our new language assistant. She is from London, UK, and she is 22 years old. She has told us that her favourite food is pizza, her favourite colour is pink and she loves cats.

Welcome Gemma!

Hola, famílies!

Aquesta és la Gemma, la nostra nova “language assistant” (auxiliar de conversa). És de Londres, Regne Unit, i té 22 anys. Ens ha dit que el seu menjar preferit és la pizza, el seu color preferit és el rosa i li encanten els gats.

Benvinguda, Gemma!