El 3 de març a l’escola va venir la companyia Jumping Ducks a fer un taller musical en anglès . Ens van ensenyar una coreografia i una cançó anomenada Geronimo. Primer vam fer exercicis de calentament. Després vam aprendre la cançó i per últim vam aprendre la coreografia. Va ser molt divertit i els nens i nenes vam aprendre anglès d’una forma diferent i divertida.

On Wednesday, 3rd of March of 2021, the students of 4th and 6th grade we did a musical workshop with the Company Jumping Ducks. They gave us strategies to dance and sing at the same time. We first did a warm-up to prepare the body. Then we did vocal activities. Finally, they danced while they were singing the song Geronimo. It was a great experience! We are waiting for them on the 22nd of March, to do the workshop with 5th grade. 


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