For 5th grade students. Comprehension questions about the reading “Unique buildings”

Unique buildings around the world

About the hotel in Dubai…


1.    How many metres tall is the hotel in Dubai?

2.    How many bedrooms has the hotel got?

3.    Can you get the hotel by helicopter? Why?

4.    How many restaurants has the hotel got?

5.    Would you like to sleep in this hotel?

6.    Do you like the building?



About the Guggenheim museum…


1.                 What materials did the architect use to build the museum?

2.                 Where is the museum?

3.                 Outside the museum there is a very nice sculpture made of flowers. What animal does it represent? What is its name?



About the Malmaison hotel…


1.     What type of building was the Malmaison hotel in the past?

2.     Would you like to sleep in this hotel?

3.     How many restaurants are there in this hotel?

4.     How many gyms are there?


About the ice hotel…

1.      In what country is the ice hotel located?

2.      What materials does the architect use to build the hotel?

3.      How many bedrooms are there?

4.      Is there any swimming pool?

5.      What do you think, is it cold or warm inside this building?


1 comentari

  1. Aina Hujic Mor

    Hola Bruno ewspero que seguim fent anglès tota la vida perque m’ho passo moltm be i una cosa quan anirem a beure el teatre de cada any a la salle o esque no hi anirem?.Aina

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