A case study in progress

Avui us enllaçem un link i l’article que ha publicat la Doctora Janaina Minelli De Oliveira al seu bloc, http://learningasrepresentation.wordpress.com/ on comenta l’estudi que està duent a terme sobre l’aplicació de les NNTT a l’escola. Gràcies pels teus comentaris Janaina.



A case study in progress

It is out of question that some new technologies help some people learn in some instances and that new technologies offer different potentials for learning. These new potentials require a re-thinking of what it means to learn. I’d expect people use of representational and communicative modes of new technologies to re-shape the social interaction experience of the classroom in some ways. E-books are one of such new technologies. Nobody is really sure about the future and the impact of e-books, but there is increasing awareness that e-books demand further attention. As educators and researchers embark on a more extensive engagement with e-books, it has progressively become clear that it is important to understand how new forms of reading and the possibilities of working with multiple formats that go beyond the text change literacy practices in the schools. My colleague Mar Camacho and I are presently developing a case study to dig into how e-textbooks are being used in classroom and what the perceptions of teachers and students of teaching and learning with them are. You can read my colleague’s post on our visit here.

As our case sample, we chose the public primary school Escola Dr. Alberich i Casas, in Reus, based on three criteria:

  • the school has a pedagogical project which provides for the use of technology for teaching and learning;
  • the school has implemented a one-to-one technology initiative; and
  • the school is considering the use of e-textbooks.

The school staff, the teacher and the kids have been lovely, collaborating in every step of this initial research. We are still working on the data analysis, but as soon as we have some results, we will surely share them in the academic context and here, of course.


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