Àmbit lingüístic: English 1st of ESO.

During this trimester, 1st of ESO students immersed in mid – nineteenth century Britain through the reading of the book “Mysteries in London”. Students expand their knowledge of English history and culture. Moreover, students designed and created the house of their dreams using the digital tool FloorPlanner, where their imagination flew through different rooms.

Lesson 1: Mysteries in London

Apart from solving the mysteries of new vocabulary, they also studied several grammar points such as verb to be, present simple and there is/there are. They have also learnt how to make a diagram in a digital platform, Lucid Chart. Additionally, students created different endings to the story of the book, reinforcing creative thinking as well as their speaking and listening skills.

Lesson 2: My perfect room

Students worked on descriptive text, and some grammatical points, possessive adjectives and genitive saxon. The aim was to learn, discover and develop competitive abilities and knowledge. They assessed their classmates in the oral presentation by using an agreed rubric evaluation.

Christmas Activities

Students of 1st of ESO explored how Christmas was celebrated around the world. Some grammatical aspects such as present simple and present continuous were studied. The final creation was the recording of a video explaining their wishes for next year. Don’t miss it!