The students of 2nd and 3rd ESO have worked on the topic of women’s day. They have watched some videos as a start point to introduce the concept of gender equality. After watching the videos, students have answered a variety of questions and have engaged in a group conversation to express their opinions.


2nd ESO: Short animation film, Purl. Purl gets a job in a men dominated company. Purl is feeling left out and tries to become more like her coworkers. She then realize that she should be herself. 

3rd ESO students have learnt why International Women’s day is celebrated on 8th March. They have found out that 150 years ago women didn’t have rights to access to a proper education, receive proper medical care, own a piece of land or vote. They have also learnt that women were excluded from a variety of jobs until very recently. 

3rd ESO students have also read about the life of Rosa Parks, one ot the most famous female African Americans, who became a symbol for the fight against segregation in the USA. By refusing to stand up and leave her bus seat to a white passenger, she became a role model for other African Americans to stand up for what they believed. 

Els alumnes de 2n i l’AO han realitzat un listening (complete the gaps). Han escoltat I gaudit la cançó de Kelly Clarkson STRONGER.

Dones fortes i empoderades.  What doesn’t kill you makes you  STRONGER AND A FIGHTER!

Veieu-ne algunes imatges més.


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