Puff the Magic Dragon

Tabalugues have been told a story about a Magic Dragon called Puff. This story is related to the name of their class. They have listened to a song and then they have drawn their own dragon inspired by Puff the Magic Dragon.

Storytelling: Stories have always been a way to communicate. Before people learned how to write, they would tell each other stories. Stories are much easier to remember than simple facts. 



Welcome back!

Tintins have met their English language teacher. After listening the teacher talking about himself, they have learnt how to talk about oneself, with an activity called “Introduce yourself“. This activity has helped us to break the ice and start talking in English in a natural way. They have been talking to their classmates in pairs and to the whole group about their age, where they live, the school they go to study and the things they like and love doing. That will help them from now on when meeting other people from all around the world. Something very useful for life.