Science at 6th grade

This term in 6th grade Science we have been doing lots of different experiments! Our topic is ‘Matter and Magnetism’ and so far we have discovered which substances are soluble and insoluble, and which objects in the classroom are magnetic. Today, we put all of our knowledge to the test by using sieves, filters and funnels and magnets to separate different mixtures! Furthermore, we are learning all this scientific practices by speaking English!

Aquest trimestre a la classe de Science de 6è hem estat fent molts experiments diferents! El nostre tema és ‘La matèria i el magnetisme’ i fins ara hem descobert quines substàncies són solubles i insolubles, i quins objectes de l’aula són magnètics. Avui hem posat a prova tots els nostres coneixements utilitzant coladors, filtres, embuts i imants per separar diferents mescles! A més, aprenem pràctiques científiques mentre parlem en anglès!

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