Guanyadores de l’escape room “Misteris de la Nit Eterna”

El passat dimarts 31 d’octubre, l’alumnat del Ramon Barbat va celebrar la Castanyada més terrorífica amb la participació en l’escape room “Misteris de la Nit Eterna”. Amb la novel·la “Dràcula” d’en Bram Stoker com a fil conductor, els padrins de 4t d’ESO i els seus fillols… Llegeix més»

Halloweeen: Tim Burton’s creativity

This year we have dedicated our Halloween space to the filmmaker Tim Burton.
The Artistic Drawing students from the second year of “BAT” have participated in the creation of the three-dimensional figures and the first year “ESO” students have made drawings.
The students said: “it has been a difficult task, but we had a lot of fun”. They have learned a little more about Tim Burton’s work by studying the shapes of some characters that emerged from Tim Burton’s imagination. They have worked on volume, proportions, textures and colour.
Once again we have exceeded our goal: to work as much as possible with cheap and recyclable resources, especially newspaper.

We are very happy with the result. Congratulations!