Música del 13 al 17 de febrer

Com bé heu contestat alguns i algunes a la pregunta de la setmana passada, el primer concert de Justin Bieber a Barcelona va ser el 6 d’abril del 2011.

Aquesta setmana hem tingut més participació, i ha estat una mica més complicat escollir la nova música. Finalment he decidit posar la música d’un cantant que molts heu escoltat però no coneixeu, Michael Bublé


Per poder demanar la següent música , haureu d’omplir les paraules que falten a la lletra de la cançó:

I don’t know why
You think that you could hold me
When you couldn’t get by by ____________
And I don’t know who
Would ever want to tear the seam of someone’s dream
Baby, it’s fine, you said that we should just be ____________
Well, I came up with that line and I’m sure
That it’s for the best
If you ever ____________ your mind, don’t hold your breath

Contesteu escrivint les tres paraules que falten per ordre, i demaneu la música que voleu per la setmana de després de celebrar el Carnestoltes!

5 comentaris

  1. Ume

    I don’t know why
    You think that you could hold me, when you can’t get by by yourself
    And I don’t know who
    Would ever want to tear the seam of someone’s dream
    Baby, it’s fine, you said that we should just be friends
    While I came up with that line and I’m sure
    That it’s for the best
    If you ever change your mind, don’t hold your breath

    Com que a la proxima setmana ja començan els balls de carnaval voldria la cançó “Watch me”

  2. Carla Fernandez

    Yourself, Friends, change
    I don’t know why
    You think that you could hold me, when you can’t get by by yourself
    And I don’t know who
    Would ever want to tear the seam of someone’s dream
    Baby, it’s fine, you said that we should just be friends
    While I came up with that line and I’m sure
    That it’s for the best
    If you ever change your mind, don’t hold your breath.
    La próxima semana siusplau voldria la canço de CLOSER

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