Related to the project “Ajudem als nens i nenes de les Campitos” we have been making necklaces, bracelets, badges and all the objects have a thing in common: they all have SAHPES!!
So during these weeks we have been working with these shapes:
hearts, stars, circles, squares, rectangles, ovals and diamonds.
The Pinotxos have learned a song about shapes and have build different objects with shapes; a fish, a ship, a car, a person, a train…
It’s been a great fun and they have become aware that shapes are everywhere!!!


Taking advantage of the project “Volem construir un volcà de Lego!” throughout the week we have been talking about different types of Lego blocks and reviewing the colours and numbers.

It’s been a very meaningful activity and next week we will learn a tonguetwister about blogs.

Don’t miss it!!



Within the week the Pinotxos have realised that shapes are everywhere!!  ⏹📐💜⭐
The chairs’ seat is square , the benches and tables are rectangular, the necklaces have circles and stars, a volcano is triangular, most books can be recatngular or square…

It’s been an interesting week. And now a new question has arised…
What is he difference between a square and a rectangle?

We will discover about it soon…


In the project “Ajudem als nens i nenes de los campitos” all the Pinocchios have made beautiful necklaces📿.

This week we have talked about the size- BIG-SMALL-MEDIUM, the shape: CIRCLE, SQUARE, RECTANGULAR, HEART AND STAR, and the colours.

It’s been a very interesting process since their perception of sizes and shapes changes from one Pinocchio to another.


Aquesta tarda a l’hora de psico els Pinotxos com és habitual han fet l’escalfament.

Tot seguit els hem explicat l’activitat d’avui. L’activitat consisitia en anar passant per 4 estacions, quatre zones ben diferenciades: equilibri, bàsquet, cercles i futbol. Així hem fet quatre grups: bananes, apples, pears and grapes. Tot i la calor els Pinotxos han pogut passar per totes les estacions, això sí, hem fet dues parades per beure aigua!

Avui també hem acomiadat al David que després de 10 dies amb nosaltres ha acabat les seves pràctiques a l’escola. Moltes gràcies David i fins aviat!!

A story about animals and colours

Within this week the Tabalugues have been working on the very famous story Brown bear, brown bear.

It is a poetic book that encourages kids to learn the name of the animals and the colours. Appart from the vocabulary this story also motivates the children to memorise it through repetition and even fosters their speaking competence.

📸For more photos in Drive.


After several weeks of working on the body parts, singing songs, telling stories about the issue … all the class have named Pinocchio’s own body parts.
Letter by letter 🔠  they have built the name of each part of the body and have matched them to Pinocchio .
It’s been a hard work. Well done !!