Els cursos 2016 i 2017 vam participar novament en el programa europeu Erasmus +.


The project “An Artistic Trip Around Europe”  is focused on Arts and Music trying to provide both teachers and pupils new ways of teaching/learning in this field.  An exchange of good practices will help both subjects to get a better experience and improve their abilities.  An analysis of  the implementation of the curriculum in each country shows that often we make a big focus on having good results on Language and Maths, not paying so much attention on other pupils abilities, specially the ones involved in arts and music. To carry out this project we are going to take in consideration the “Theory of Intelligences Multiples” of Howard Gardner, focusing  on other intelligences that are such important as the verbal and mathematical:  the musical–rhythmic and harmonic;  visual–spatial and bodily–kinaesthetic intelligences at the same time that work on the other intelligences. 

For further information visit  our web site and follow us on twitter @AnArtisticTrip .



Els anteriors cursos 2011 i 2012 , la nostra escola va parcitipar en el programa COMENIUS.

Del 23 al 27 de maig del 2011, ens van visitar els nostres “partners”. A la tardor, a finals del mes de novembre del 2011, ens varem trobar amb els nostres “partners” del projecte a Beeskow, Alemanya.

La tercera visita va ser del 13 al 17 de febrer de 2012, ens vam trobar amb els nostres a Savonlinna, Finlàndia.

Entre les quatre escoles participants en el projecte vam elaborar dos projectes:

  • Un conte Once upon a time… a European story

  • i una pel·lícula Once upon a time… a European film.

Chapter 1: Beeskow, Germany

Chapter 2: Savonlinna, Finland

Chapter 3: Strasbourg, France

Chapter 4: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
