IMAGINE IF… Game 4th- 6th grade

Beginning last week, we played a very fun game that I designed, personally, for the students of each class, from 4th -6th grade. The students were instructed to freely form 4 to 5 team groups in the class.

Material:    25 hypothetical life situations or questions with four to five responses to the situation. ( Imagine If… Card deck)

Deck of cards of the names of the students from that specific class.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Cards per group ( 5 sets total).

A small boardgame with a start and finish line per each team.

How to Play: One person draws a card from the Name Deck and one from the Imagine IF… card deck.

The person who´s name was chosen will go up infront of the class and read the situation outloud while filling in the blanks with his or her name. Each team must discuss and choose the answer they think their classmate, ( person who´s name was called up to the board ), would choose. They must put up one number card in the air. The student chosen from the deck has his or her own answer of what he or she would do in that hypothetical situation. The team that chooses the same answer ( represented by a number), as the classmate chosen from the deck, that team can move up one space on the board game, closer to the finish line. The first team to arrive to the finishline wins.

This game is very fun and beneficial for English listening, reading comprehension and pronunciation.

The classes enjoyed getting to know their classmates a lot more ( on a personal level ) by playing this game.


images   6boardgamearnaucimagin-iff3



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