American Carnival

This Carnival, I was more than surprised and enjoyed all the costumes and performances from the students, as it was my first time celebrating this holiday. Below are some pictures of students from 3rd – 6th grade that had some U.S.A. cultural influences in both their costume choices and performances. Thank you !

Barack Obama, is the honored, special guest in Catalonia this week, to meet, speak  and be welcomed by  none other than the president himself, Carles Puigemont and administration about his stay in Catalonia. ( 3rd grade performed a hilarious skit for FLAMA)


Nuria and Mariona delivered a unique show with an American twist. They were dressed up as Cowgirl (Midwestern or southern U.S. ) while delivering a small speech in English and performing about their excitement to explore the country that is U.S.A.  (6th grade) With cute style and a well rehearsed performance of ” Shout out to my Ex, these girls made quite a show.”img-20170224-wa0003Tune in later this week for new pics.



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