CLIL Project

CLIL has been introduced to the school for many years now and it’s becoming more and more rooted. It’s carried out in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.

So, What is CLIL?

CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning and refers to teaching subjects such as science, history and geography to students through a foreign language.

Some important facts about CLIL are:

  1. Language as the vehicle. Language occurs naturally in the discourse frames associated with the conceptual content, and as a result of the communicative exchanges required by task-based methodology.
  2. Activity types: There are four activity types best suited to CLIL practice.
    These are:
    a) Activities to enhance peer communication
    b) Activities to help develop reading strategies
    c) Activities to guide student production
    d) Activities to engage higher cognitive skills(make students think – offer a variety of procedural opportunities for employing a range of operations)

So, hands-on activities are the ones mostly used in CLIL sessions. Students manipulate, experiment, and come to conclusions from classroom activities. And the contents worked on are related to those working with the teacher in the science lessons. All those contents are supported by New Sites platforms created this school year, where students have a variety of videos, games and extra information to review and/or expand their knowledge.

Enjoy the student’s experiences watching the video attached.

Projecte Sistema Solar a 4t

Per què canvia l’aparença de la lluna? Com és que aquí és l’hivern i a Argentina és estiu? Per què diem que hi ha una cara oculta de la lluna? Què fa que cada dia es faci més tard de nit? Quins cossos celestes es poden veure a ull  nu des de la Terra? Què és això de la superlluna que ha sortit a les noticies? Aquestes i d’altres preguntes, ens hem fet per començar a investigar el nostre projecte de la Lluna, la Terra, el Sol i els altres cossos celestes. 

A partir del treball en equips cooperatius, hem cercat informació en llibres, revistes, vídeos… Després hem hem realitzat murals, lapbooks i una maqueta amb material reciclable per deixar constància de tot el que hem après. Al final cada grup ha realitzat una exposició oral explicant tot allò après.

Clica la imatge per veure l’àlbum