Learning about sports

With the 1st of ESO groups, in the English subject, we have started a new unit about sportswomen in our city or country. For that, we have first carried out a survey to discover if we are an active class, how often we do physical activity out of the school and what kind of sports we like doing. After that, we have written a text explaining the results of that survey together with some graphics to make the text clearer. Also, in order to practice how to express likes and dislikes, we have created a board game in groups and then we have played to them! Here you can see some pictures of the moment in which students were asking the questions for the survey and when they were creating/playing to the board games. The remaining activities of the unit are creating a poster to give visibility to women in the world of sports and creating a profile of a sportswomen from their city or country.

Photos here


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