English Breakfast

On December 17th the pupils of sixth grade did a English breakfast. Themselves, by groups or individually, looked for the recipe and prepared it in the dining room of the school.
In the afternoon, they ate it and explained by video how they had prepared it and what ingredients it had.
In addition, Elena, our assistant of conversation, brought tea for us to try it.

All the cakes were very delicious!


El dia 17 de desembre els alumnes de sisè de l’escola van fer un esmorzar britànic. Ells mateixos, per grups o individualment, van buscar la recepta i la van preparar al menjador de l’escola.

A la tarda, per berenar, se la van menjar i van explicar amb un vídeo com l’havien preparat i quins ingredients tenia.

A més a més, l’Elena, la nostra auxiliar de conversa, va portar te perquè el poguéssim provar.  

Tots els pastissos estaven boníssims!