Playing Dead & Doing Time

Playing Dead & Doing Time

This is the title of the piece that the students in fourth of ESO went to see at the Estruch in Sabadell this morning. Today, Friday 26th of February, the students in fourth grade skipped the last three hours of class so we could go to see an open rehearsal of a contemporary dance show. The play was about our perception of “the end” and what does it take to consider an act as finished. The artists took inspiration from The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction by Frank Kermode. Playing different characters and sensations, through dance and body movements, the three artists have shown us their perception of what they consider “the end”. We got the chance to listen to monologues written by the dancers and other elements that made the play a very much more enjoyable experience. Once the piece finished, we got the chance to ask them questions and share our opinions with them, so, one by one and in English (because the artists were foreign), we shared our ideas and thoughts. 

It has been a show that, without a doubt, has created different opinions and points of view, but, in general, we enjoyed it a lot.

Playing Dead & Doing Time

Aquest és el títol de la peça que l’alumnat de quart d’ESO ha anat a veure a l’Estruch de Sabadell. Avui, divendres 26 de febrer, les noies i els nois de quart ens hem escapat les tres últimes hores per anar a veure un assaig obert d’un espectacle de dansa contemporània. Ha estat un espectacle sobre la nostra percepció de la fi i que condiciona un acte per poder interpretar com que s’ha acabat. La idea està inspirada en The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction de Frank Kermode. Interpretant diferents personatges i sensacions, a través de la dansa i els moviments corporals, els tres artistes ens han transmet la seva interpretació de la fi. A l’espectacle hem pogut gaudir de monòlegs escrits per ells i d’altres elements que han fet que l’experiència sigui més interessant. Un cop finalitzada la peça, hem tingut l’oportunitat de fer-los preguntes i de compartir les nostres opinions, així que, un per un i en anglès (ja que els artistes eren estrangers), hem anat comentant les nostres idees.

Sense dubte ha estat un espectacle que ha generat moltes opinions, i en general ens ha agradat molt.

Notícia redactada per l’Esther Sánchez, de 4t d’ESO